International League Against Epilepsy
Revised Classification of Epileptic Seizures (1981)


I.  Partial (focal, local) seizures:

a.  Simple - motor, somatosensory, autonomic, psychic

b.  Complex

a.  Impaired consciousness at outset

b.  Simple partial followed by impaired consciousness

c.  Partial seizures evolving to generalized tonic-clonic (GTC)

a.  Simple to GTC

b.  Complex to GTC

II.  Generalized seizures (convulsive or non-convulsive)

1.  Absence seizures

2.  Atypical absences

3.  Myoclonic

4.  Clonic

5.  Tonic

6.  Tonic-clonic

7.  Atonic

8.  Combinations

III.  Unclassified epileptic seizures

Revised 12/14/01.
Copyright 2001 Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.