<% strPathPics = Session("strPathPicsL") imgBg = strPathPics + Session("strMedia") %> HIV Angitis 2

HIV Vasculitis - Cerebral Angiogram

A 28 year-old HIV positive man presented with progressive cognitive and acute weakness, worst on the left.

Show the Dilated Irregular Arteries     Note Some "Beaded" Areas

Cerebral Angiogram. (Top Left) Right Internal Carotid injection (AP); (Top Middle) Left Internal Carotid injection (AP); (Top Right) Left Vertebral injection (AP); (Bottom Left) Right Internal Carotid injection (lateral); (Bottom Middle) Left Internal Carotid injection (lateral); (Bottom Right) Left Vertebral artery injection (lateral). Note the prominent irregularities. Some areas are dilated, some are narrowed and some are "beaded". This is the picture of a primary vasculitis. CNS vasculitis is a rare condition. Cases associated with HIV and prominent dilatation of intracranial blood vessels, such as this case, have been described.

Revised 05/21/06.
The Electronic Curriculum is copyrighted 1998,  Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.