Neuroscience Clerkship




Below are the learning objectives for the Neuroscience Clerkship. These are the key points that every medical student needs to master about neurology and neurosurgery, regardless of what specialty they ultimately pursue.

The learning objectives are divided into global learning objectives for the clinical rotations as well as specific learning objectives for neurology and neurosurgery. These learning objectives parallel the weekly didactic teaching sessions. For each learning objective, click the "Acquire Knowledge" button to enter the module for the selected topic.


Cerebrovascular Disorders  | Consciousness & Mental State  |  Headache  |  Epilepsy  |  Motor System  |  Peripheral Nerve & Muscle  |  Vision, Hearing & Balance  |  Pediatric Neurology

Hydrocephalus  |  Brain Tumors  |  Spine and Peripheral Nerve  |  CNS Trauma




Acquire Knowledge

Gain proficiency and competency in performing the neurologic history and examination

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to correlate neuroanatomy with function and clinical neurologic deficits

Acquire Knowledge

Gain proficiency and competency in presenting, evaluating and managing patients with a variety of neurologic and neurosurgical disorders

Acquire Knowledge

Gain proficiency and competency in identifying basic neurologic structures on CT and MRI imaging

Acquire Knowledge

Understand the indications, contraindications and limitations of the commonly used diagnostic tests in neurology, specifically the lumbar puncture, CT and MRI imaging, electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG)

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to assess the acuteness of a clinical neurologic problem, especially as it relates to the need for immediate management and the requirement for expert assistance

Acquire Knowledge

Utilize self-directed learning to gain further knowledge and competence in the area of neurologic disease



     Cerebrovascular Disorders

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to differentiate clinically between cortical and subcortical strokes.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to identify common risk factors for stroke.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the significance of a TIA and the differential diagnosis of a brief neurologic spell.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the clinical signs of large vessel anterior circulation stroke, especially infarction of the anterior cerebral and middle cerebral arteries.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the clinical signs of large vessel posterior circulation stroke, especially infarction of the vertebral, posterior inferior cerebellar, basilar and posterior cerebral arteries.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the clinical characteristics that differentiate between thrombotic and embolic stroke.

Acquire Knowledge

Know how to manage blood pressure during an acute stroke.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the common locations and clinical signs of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the clinical presentation, etiology, complications and treatment options of spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the common locations of saccular aneurysms.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize common lacunar stroke syndromes.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize spontaneous carotid and vertebral artery dissection.

Acquire Knowledge

Appreciate the causes of ischemic stroke in the younger patient.

Acquire Knowledge

Appreciate the general indication and value of thrombolysis in an acute ischemic stroke.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the treatment options designed to prevent stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the treatment options designed to prevent stroke in patients with hemodynamically significant carotid stenosis.

Acquire Knowledge

Know about the concept of Brain Attack and strategies in the management of acute ischemic stroke.

     Consciousness and Mental State

Acquire Knowledge

Know the anatomic structures necessary to maintain consciousness.

Acquire Knowledge

Outline the initial steps in the evaluation of a comatose patient.

Acquire Knowledge

Know how to perform the neurologic examination on a comatose patient.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the differential diagnosis of coma, and know to differentiate structural from metabolic causes.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize transtentorial and foramen magnum herniation syndromes.

Acquire Knowledge

Be aware of conversion reactions and appreciate how historical and physical findings may be helpful in suggesting the diagnosis.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the difference between delirium and dementia.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the differential diagnosis of dementia, especially the reversible causes of dementia.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the meanings of aphasia, apraxia and agnosia.

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the clinical presentation of Alzheimer's dementia.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the difference between aphasia and dysarthria.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the clinical findings and anatomy of Broca's, Wernicke's and conduction aphasia.


Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize classic and common migraine, and tension headaches.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the headache of subarachnoid hemorrhage.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the CSF profiles of subarachnoid hemorrhage and meningitis.

Acquire Knowledge

Know how to recognize, diagnose and treat temporal arteritis.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the clinical features that distinguish between benign versus potentially serious underlying causes of headaches.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the clinical syndrome of trigeminal neuralgia, its evaluation and initial treatment.



Acquire Knowledge

Know the International Classification System used for classification of common forms of seizures.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to distinguish the ictal and post-ictal patterns of generalized tonic/clonic, partial simple, partial complex, and partial with secondary generalization seizures.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to differentiate between seizure and syncope.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the general approach to the evaluation and treatment of status epilepticus.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the common causes of seizures as related to age group.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to characterize alcoholic withdrawal seizures.

Acquire Knowledge

Appreciate the various types of behavior and movements that occur during complex partial seizures.

Acquire Knowledge

Appreciate the concept of a post-ictal (i.e., Todd's) paralysis and similar deficits.

Acquire Knowledge

Appreciate the significance of focal onset vs. generalized onset seizures.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the routine evaluation of new onset of seizures.


     Motor System

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the clinical signs of an upper motor neuron lesion.

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the clinical signs of a lower motor neuron lesion.

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the different types of increased tone, including spasticity, rigidity and paratonia.

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the clinical signs and symptoms of common spinal cord syndromes.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the clinical appearance of Parkinson's disease.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the clinical signs of disease in the cerebellar vermis and in the cerebellar hemispheres.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the clinical syndrome of alcoholic cerebellar degeneration.


     Peripheral Nerve and Muscle

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the clinical signs, symptoms, evaluation and treatment of myasthenia gravis.

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the clinical signs, symptoms, evaluation and treatment of Guillain Barré syndrome.

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the clinical signs and symptoms of a generalized peripheral neuropathy.

Acquire Knowledge

Understand the significance and differential diagnosis of mononeuritis multiplex.

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the clinical signs, symptoms, evaluation and treatment of polymyositis and dermatomyosits.

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the clinical symptoms and signs resulting from common cervical and lumbosacral radiculopathies.


     Vision, Hearing and Balance

Acquire Knowledge

Understand the neuroanatomy of vision.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the common visual field abnormalities and their significance.

Acquire Knowledge

Understand the neuroanatomy of the pupillary light reflex.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the neurologic syndrome, including abnormalities of eye movements, associated with thiamine deficiency.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the clinical signs associated with a lesion of the cerebellopontine angle.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to differentiate between the different types of dizziness, including vertigo, presyncope and disequilibrium.

Acquire Knowledge

Understand the difference between peripheral and central vertigo.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the syndrome of benign paroxysmal postural vertigo.

Acquire Knowledge

Describe the common signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis, its pathogenesis and treatment.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize papilledema and know its significance.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to recognize the common disorders that result in anisocoria, especially a third nerve palsy and Horner's syndrome.

     Pediatric Neurology


Overview of Pediatric Neurology Learning Objectives

Acquire Knowledge

Know the basics of how to perform a neurologic examination of an infant and child.

Acquire Knowledge

Be able to differentiate between a static encephalopathy (cerebral palsy) from progressive cognitive decline.

Acquire Knowledge

Know the clinical features and differential diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Acquire Knowledge

Be aware of the differential diagnosis of a floppy infant.

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize some of common causes of ataxia in children.



Acquire Knowledge

Understand the CSF circulation

Acquire Knowledge

Know the definition of hydrocephalus

Acquire Knowledge

Distinguish between communicating and non-communicating hydrocephalus

Acquire Knowledge

Estimate the incidence of uncomplicated hydrocephalus

Acquire Knowledge

Describe non-surgical treatments of hydrocephalus

Acquire Knowledge

Discuss techniques for ventricular shunting and associated complications

Acquire Knowledge

Explain alternative surgical treatments, specifically endoscopic third ventriculostomy

     Brain Tumors

Acquire Knowledge

Describe the clinical presentation of brain tumors

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the WHO grading scheme for gliomas

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the common brain tumors in adults

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the common brain tumors in children

Acquire Knowledge

Contrast the indications for biopsy, surgical resection, radiation and chemotherapy for brain tumors

     Spine and Peripheral Nerve


Acquire Knowledge

Differentiate lesions of the conus medullaris from the cauda equina

Acquire Knowledge

Discuss the indications and surgical work-up for surgery for disorders of the spinal cord, spinal roots, and peripheral nerves

Acquire Knowledge

Identify the major mixed nerves

Acquire Knowledge

Locate the major entrapment sites

Acquire Knowledge

Relate the major causes of acute peripheral nerve injury

     CNS Trauma

Acquire Knowledge

Discuss the epidemiology of brain trauma

Acquire Knowledge

Know how to determine the Glasgow Coma Scale

Acquire Knowledge

Distinguish among mild, moderate and severe brain injury

Acquire Knowledge

Contrast cerebral concussion from cerebral contusion

Acquire Knowledge

Describe the presentations of traumatic epidural hematoma vs. traumatic subdural hematoma

Acquire Knowledge

Relate the prognosis of gunshot wounds of the brain

Acquire Knowledge

Distinguish between primary and secondary insults in the pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury

Acquire Knowledge

Discuss the importance of the Monro-Kellie Doctrine

Acquire Knowledge

Know the importance of intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring, and when it is indicated

Acquire Knowledge

Describe the calculation of the cerebral perfusion pressure

Acquire Knowledge

Distinguish first tier and second tier strategies for treating elevated ICP

Acquire Knowledge

Recognize the different types of shock, including spinal shock and brain shock