<% strPathPics = Session("strPathPicsL") imgBg = strPathPics + Session("strMedia") %> Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA)

Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) - Intracranial

Left Internal Carotid Artery

Right Internal Carotid Artery

Middle Cerebral Arteries

"M1" Segment of the MCA

Middle Cerebral Artery Bifurcation

Anterior Cerebral Arteries

"A1" Segment of the ACA

Anterior Communicating Artery

Left Vertebral Artery

Right Vertebral Artery

Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Arteries

Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery

Superior Cerebellar Arteries

Basilar Artery

Top of the Basilar

Posterior Cerebral Arteries

Circle of Willis

ACA - anterior cerebral artery; MCA - middle cerebral artery; PCA - posterior cerebral artery; SCA - superior cerebellar artery; AICA - anterior inferior cerebellar artery; PICA - posterior inferior cerebellar artery

Revised 05/18/06.
The Electronic Curriculum is copyrighted 1998,  Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.