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Tethered Cord - Case 1

A 60 year-old man presented with difficulty with his gait and bladder symptoms.

Show the Termination of the Cord                                        Note the Small Syrinx             

Sagittal MRI T2 weighted image (left); T1 weighted (right). Note that the spinal cord end at the L4-L5 level. This is an example of a tethered cord. The spinal cord in adults normally terminates at the level of the L1 vertebral body. Tethered spinal cord syndrome can present with a slowly progressive myelopathy much like the syrinx. Often, symptomatic tethered cords present with an orthopaedic deformity. The orthopaedic abnormalities associated with the tethered cord can be varus, valgus, or cavus changes of the foot; recurrent dislocations of the hip; or rotational abnormalities of an extremity or extremities. An isolated presentation of scoliosis is not uncommon. Patients can occasionally present with progressive isolated gait abnormalities such as spastic or wide-based gaits. In addition to orthopaedic deformities, patients with tethered cords may present with spinal cord and or, less commonly, root dysfunction.

Revised 04/27/06.
The Electronic Curriculum is copyrighted 1998,  Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.